Nathan Restrepo
Phone: 111-222-3333
IT Support Technician: Three years of experience supporting medium to large enterprise environments, troubleshooting client-side networking issues, investigating and responding to system critical failures at the front-end. Knowledge hungry, and naturally driven to troubleshoot.
Curity: ChenMed
Miami Gardens, FL
Nov 2022 - Currently
Associate IT Support Technician
White glove IT support for a large tech driven Primary Care Provider corperation
United Auto Insurance Group
Miami Gardens, FL
Nov 2021 - Nov 2022
IT Support Generalist
Service Desk agent with a focus on new user equipment provisioning, legal software support, in person hardware repairs
Miami-Dade College
Miami, FL
May 2020 - Currently
Associates in IT
Industry certifcation heavy
Cloud Resume Challenge
A semi full-stack cloud architecture project that requires HTML, CSS, Python, Javascript, and the integration of the most in demand AWS solutions and compute services. Ultimately building the virtual infrastructure that this resume resides on
MySQL Business Transactional Database
Designed from scratch a MySQL database that could process the transactional data for an appliance repair service. Including EER diagrams, table design, and functional SQL statments that provided meaningful reports. link
Programming, AI, Education, Problem Solving, Reading

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